une démarche a préremplir

Estimated fill time: 1 mins.

Ceci est une démarche de test pour démontrer les capacité de préremplissage de demarches-simplifiees.fr

The fill time is etimated to 1 mins. This period may vary depending on the options you choose

You'd like to allow your users to create a prefilled file, with data you already have, for the procedure « une démarche a préremplir ».

To do this, select the fields below that you want to prefill.
You will then find a prefill link at the bottom of this page, which you will just need to copy, adapt by replacing the default values, and share.
In the same way, you will find an example of a cURL request at the bottom of the page to adapt if you want to prefill the folders via API.

First name (identity)

The first name of the owner of the file

Values A first name
Example Jean
Last name (identity)

The last name of the owner of the file

Values A last name
Example Dupont
Gender (identity)

The gender name of the owner of the file

Values "M." for Mister, "Mme" for Madam
Example M.
pourquoi ?

ID Q2hhbXAtMzAxNjg5Ng
Type Text
Values A short text
Example Short text
combien ?

ID Q2hhbXAtMzAxNjg5OA
Type Integer number
Values An integer number
Example 42
êtes-vous d'accord ?

ID Q2hhbXAtMzAxNjg5OQ
Type Yes/No
Values "true" for Yes, "false" pour No
Example true
et finalement, fromage ou dessert ?

ID Q2hhbXAtMzAxNjkwMA
Type Dropdown list
Values A choice among those selected when the procedure was created
fromage and dessert
Example fromage

JSON description of the procedure

Use the button to copy the query and learn more about the procedure and its fields thanks to a JSON description.
